Reintegration for True Rehabilitation
It’s important to feel welcome in the world, and our aim is to ensure that all of our clients have a chance at proper reintegration. To that end, in the past, our staff has been known to:
- Attend probation meetings
- Search for transitional and long-term housing, and take clients to view apartments
- Take clients to the food bank
- Take clients to medical appointments/cover prescriptions when necessary
- Provide social assistance advocacy
- Provide child and family reunification support
- Obtain educational transcripts
- Assist with furniture and housewares
- Assist clients with getting IDs (birth certificates, health cards, treaty cards)
- Give referrals to in-patient treatment beds for clients
- Provide transportation to and around Saskatoon
- Remind clients of court appearances and arrange for transportation to court if needed (especially if a court appearance is outside of Saskatoon)
- Provide clothing and hygiene products to transitional individuals
- Take clients to various appointments and stay with them if they need support
- Take clients to seek emergency mental health services
- Communicate with client’s family members
- Provide brief, solution-focused interventions and planning
- Offer financial literacy support & advice
- Provide HIV support
- Provide domestic violence interventions and safety planning
- Facilitate payment of bail monies
- Connect with Indigenous organizations and communities
We are always willing to help, and will generally do anything we can, as long as it is within our means and supports women and gender-diverse folks as they transition back into the community. Our goal is to connect women and gender-diverse folks with the wider network of services and resources in those communities, ultimately empowering them to make responsible and positive decisions for themselves.
For more information on reintegration, contact our Social Worker, Sydney Wouters, at 306-668-0604 or email
The Criminal Record Suspension Project
We are proud to offer assistance for women and gender-diverse folks applying to suspend their criminal record. This suspension (or pardon) does not erase the record permanently but ensures it is kept separate from others. When someone searches the CPIC database for your criminal record, none will be found.
For more information on record suspension, contact our Court Worker Chelsea Roy by email or phone at (306) 668-0635.