
We provide safe, stable and Sober living with personalized wellness plans.

Sober Living Program- Regina (5 beds)

In Collaboration with Susan Ulmer Addiction Services , EFSK offers a Sober Living program for eligible women and gender diverse folks who are looking for a specialized supportive addiction program and sober living. Housing can be provided on a conditional base until the participant graduates from the program. Sober Living program is open to women and gender diverse folks who are impacted by substance use recovery, are being released on bail or on reintegration leave that need additional well-being supports in order to achieve their recovery and housing goals.

Transitional Housing -Saskatoon (10 beds)

The Transitional Housing project provides support to women and gender diverse folks who have been experiencing homelessness who have issues within the criminal justice system. The goal of this project is to establish a safe, stable and inclusive housing environment where participants can access the vital programing and support to foster resiliency and skills to build a healthy life. Women will be expected to remain abstinent and complete addiction programming through Possibilities Recovery Centre.

Support Services

We provide everything one needs to successfully rebuild their lives.

Institutional In Reach

Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan works within the institutions of Saskatchewan to provide support and monitor the conditions of confinement.

Provincial Institution In Reach- PGCC, SHNB, WRU, WB

  1. Our Institutional In-Reach Program is designed to provide comprehensive support to provincially sentenced and remanded women and gender-diverse individuals at Pine Grove Correctional Centre, Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford, White Birch, and the Women’s Reintegration Unit. Through this program, our dedicated staff and students regularly visit these institutions to conduct intakes, offer support, provide resources, and make referrals. Additionally, we monitor the conditions of confinement to ensure they meet the required standards and advocate for improvements when concerns are raised.

Federal Institution In Reach- OOHL, RPC

  1. We provide support services, referrals, and advocacy for federally sentenced women and gender-diverse folks in the Regional Psychiatric Centre, and The Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge. 

Court Services

Court Support- Saskatoon/Regina
Court support is tailored to each individual women and their needs. Our court support workers can:

  1. Assist in understanding the court process such as bail, prelims, or trial
  2. Talk to lawyers about their clients matters to help the client better understand and what they can expect in court.
  3. Attend court as a support (when notice is given)
  4. Attend first appearances to provide support to new arrests.
The Listen Project
Helping survivors of domestic and sexual violence find their voice. Get 2 hours of free legal advice if you are a survivor of domestic or sexual violence. Saskatchewan has one of the highest rates of family violence in Canada, according to a 2022 Statistics Canada report. The Listen Project offers survivors of domestic or sexual violence in Saskatchewan access to free legal advice. Whether the incident was recent or occurred in the past, and regardless of whether it was reported to police, survivors can receive up to 2 hours of free legal consultation. This service is available to individuals of all ages and genders, without income restrictions, ensuring accessible support for all. Apply Now at www.listenproject.ca Intake: www.listenproject.ca/intake/new
Bail Support -Saskatoon/Regina
Our court support workers provide comprehensive assistance to individuals navigating the pre-trial process. Our dedicated court workers collaborate closely with defendants to craft personalized release plans tailored to their specific needs and circumstances. This includes verifying addresses, facilitating connections to essential community resources such as housing, employment, and counseling services, and composing support letters to attest to the individual’s commitment to complying with court requirements. Our aim is to empower individuals to successfully navigate the legal system while fostering community engagement and support.
Record Suspensions- Saskatoon
We are proud to offer assistance for female and/or gender diverse folks applying to suspend their criminal record. This suspension (or pardon) does not erase the record permanently, but ensures it is kept separate from others. When someone searches the CPIC database for your criminal record, none will be found.

Gladue Report Program
A Gladue Report can be written for any Indigenous woman facing a loss of liberty, including bail hearings, parole hearings, and sentencing hearings.

Gladue Reports are available for Indigenous women in Saskatchewan to provide the court with information about their unique backgrounds and circumstances. The purpose of a Gladue Report is to offer recommendations for culturally and personally appropriate sentencing options. The unique background of Indigenous persons must be considered when they are facing a loss of liberty, bringing their stories to light to help reduce incarceration rates and create pathways to healing.

The Gladue Writer receives referrals from the Court Services Worker, who identifies appropriate candidates for a Gladue Report. Together, the Gladue Writer and the Court Services Worker determine whether a short or long submission is suitable for the individual.

Addictions Supports

Women’s Intensive Outpatient Program- Saskatoon
In collaboration with Possibilities Recovery Center
The Women’s Intensive Outpatient Program (WIOP) program is a 16-week intensive out-patient treatment program in collaboration with Possibilities Recovery Center. The purpose of this program is to educate, support, and assist women and gender-diverse folks with substance use disorders that have current or previous involvement with the criminal legal system. This program not only provides addictions programing, but also engages participants in case management to ensure that they have the wrap around supports to set them up for success. This program includes group programming four days a week for 3 hours, 1 on 1 counselling with an addictions counsellor and working with a program support worker from EFS SK. Participants in this program will also have access to programs that EFSK has to offer such as court support, women’s sharing circle and others.


The Reintegration Systems Support Navigator

The  program provides comprehensive support to women transitioning from provincial jails back into the community. By working with individuals pre-release and continuing support post-release, the program helps clients navigate complex systems like income assistance, housing, and mental health services. With regular institutional visits, one-on-one coaching, and community engagement, the Navigator facilitates access to essential resources, fosters collaboration with community agencies, and provides transportation when needed. This program aims to reduce recidivism, support successful reintegration, and empower women to rebuild their lives post-incarceration.

Saskatchewan Housing Benefit – Supportive Housing Stream

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan (EFSK) is a referring agency for this program which offers a flat-rate benefit to help individuals in supportive housing cover their rent and utility costs. It is available to those living in Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (SHC)-approved units who also receive on-site support services from either the housing provider or a third-party service provider. The Saskatchewan Housing Benefit (SHB) is co-funded by the Government of Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan under the National Housing Strategy, and is administered by SHC.

We facilitate family unification and community connections.


Community Reintegration Program – Saskatoon/ Regina

The Community Reintegration Program provides supports for women and gender diverse folks who are being released from custody. Our Reintegration Workers can provide support in creating plans for their release by getting them connected to support and services in their home community. This support can look like:

  1. Referrals for programs (parenting, addictions, cultural and supportive living)
  2. Obtaining ID
  3. Confirm release address.
  4. Assistance with applying for social assistance, housing
  5. Setting appointments with supports (counselling, doctors, etc.)
  6. Booking in person or phone appointments with EFSK workers to help them stay on track and continue the relationship with client.
  7. Write support letters detailing their plan and how EFSK can/will support them following their release. 

Community Outreach/Systems Navigation – Regina

Outreach Workers in Regina are available for mobile support to assist women in setting and meeting their individual goals. This can include assistance with housing, connection to community resources, self-advocacy and making healthy life choices. The outreach worker assists clients with housing applications, program referrals, entry into detox facilities or addiction programs, support with applying for Income Assistance etc.

Our community outreach program offers vital support to vulnerable women in the community by providing resources, guidance and a sense of safety to overcome challenges they may be facing. Our community outreach worker can provide the following support:

  1. Provide transportation to meetings and/appointments.
  2. Provide transportation to the food bank
  3. Can attend these appointments with client provide
  4. Arrange beds and transport clients to shelters and detox.
  5. Be in community handing out program information, care packages and snacks.
  6. Pick up and deliver foodbank hampers to clients.
  7. Attend community resource fairs.
  8. Pick up donations from community members. 

Cultural Programming

  1. Sharing Circle-Saskatoon

Every Other Wednesday 5:00PM-7:00PM
Our Sharing Circle is a safe space for women and gender diverse folks to come and share what is on their mind, anything they are struggling with or part of their stories. This program is co-facilitated with our cultural peer support worker and an elder from the community. The program goes as follows:

  1. Smudge
    For those who would like to, we use sage and other medicines when available and engage in a smudge ceremony to cleanse the energy before we begin to share.
  2. Share
    There will be a topic at each sharing circle and you are also invited to share what you feel comfortable with.
  3. Craft
    When we are finished sharing and if time permits we will be doing all sorts of crafts like beading, painting and some sewing
    1. Beading Classes – Saskatoon/Regina.  We host pop up beading classes led by our cultural peer support worker. Different types of beading and stitches are taught to a group.
    2. Ribbon Skirt and Ribbon Shirt Classes.  We host pop up sewing classes for participants to make ribbon skirts and shirts.

Pathways to Serenity

This program focuses on mental wellbeing and recovery.

The Takwascikewin WAGE Project

The Takwascikewin systems change project aims to advance women with lived experience of incarceration into leadership and decision-making roles. Emphasis is placed on reducing barriers for Indigenous women and gender-diverse individuals, who are disproportionately represented in the Canadian justice system. This project addresses systemic barriers within colonial, capitalist, and criminal justice systems.

  1. Break down systemic barriers for Indigenous women with incarceration experience.
  2. Provide leadership mentoring and professional job skills training.
  3. Conduct research in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Alberta, focusing on similarities and differences across provinces, with Saskatoon as the central focal point.

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